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Aquafighter® Technology from DieselCare

Completely Water-Free Fuel Tank: Aquafighter® Technology from DieselCare AS in Norway is changing the way water is neutralized in the diesel tank. With biodiesel increasing as an additive to fuel, Aquafighter® is the only practical solution to completely remove bio-bound water and to actually polish diesel fuel in the tank itself.

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With water being the enemy of engines since the first engine and new biofuel content introducing a new level of bound water into diesel fuel, Aquafighter® is taking on this challenge by allowing owners, operators and maintenance professionals to clear all forms of water directly in the tank itself.

Aquafighter® – Bio-Bound Water Solved

With the growing content of biofuel components in diesel fuel, the reality of bio-bound water is becoming more and more of a concern for everyone from fuel companies to fuel distributors, maintenance professionals and diesel machine owners. Typically removal of this bound water is either not worth the effort or requires heavy machinery to pump the fuel out, process it and reintroduce it into the tank. With Aquafighter®, removing this bound water plus all of the free water in the tank is as simple as dropping it into the tank.

Many solutions require expert understanding and complicated installations, but removing all water in diesel fuel in the tank has now become a relatively inexpensive “2-minute job.” “When the hardest part is waiting, we know we have perfected simple. But we have also created an ideal solution for reducing water-in-diesel tank problems in nearly every situation in every part of the world,” says Steve Schultz of Aquafighter®.

An End to “Diesel Bug?”

Diesel bug is a historical horror for diesel tank owners that is inevitable with the presence of lingering water and condensation in the tank. With Aquafighter® every molecule of water down to 60ppm is captured and neutralized making it unable to harm the tank, fuel system or engine.

Aquafighter has been designed to remain in stationary tanks at all times and to be used as part of the maintenance regimen for mobile machines, boats, trucks and farming equipment. Regarding the use of Aquafighter®, CEO of DieselCare AS ( and developer of Aquafighter® ( Per Jahnsrud remarks; “If Aquafighter is in your tank, bacteria and microbes cannot grow. There is no need to use chemicals and extremely dangerous biocides, just drop in Aquafighter and the job is done.”

Reclaiming Gray Diesel

“Aquafighter was designed with both a water-free maintenance and with a fuel polishing purpose in mind,” explains Per Jahnsrud. Over the last 2.5 years, Aquafighter® has been tested and used to treat tanks and gray diesel with oil companies and fuel stations in Norway. While being an important part of retaining “Zero Water” in their fuel tanks, Aquafighter® has been used to “polish” 1,500,000 liters of gray diesel into 1,350,000 liters on on-spec diesel to be resold at retail.
This proof of Aquafighter’s effectiveness has shown what a truly global and universal solution that Aquafighter can be as a tool for removing all water in the diesel tank and preventing all of the maladies that water causes to the fuel, to tank health, to the fuel system and ultimately to the engine.

Green Greatness

Often the reality of “green” solutions leaves a lot to be desired in actually being environmentally friendly. With Aquafighter®; there is no installation, less waste, zero chemicals and far less fuel spills from draining the tank at unnecessary times. In addition to its effectiveness as an everyday leave-in solution, Aquafighter® can be used as a simple and efficient way to eliminate water that is to be drained as well as an emergency solution for tanks where the cap has been left off or water has leaked into the tank.

With a simple solution that keeps any diesel tank completely water-free and provides a domino effect of significant benefits, Aquafighter® is poised to be a solution used around the world both on a commercial and industrial level as well as sold to customers for all diesel tanks powering all diesel engines. As Aquafighter® actively seeks importers and distributors in most countries in Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania; the future is bright for this company and for all those who fight water in diesel across the globe.

Contact us for further information, and we will be delighted to help you.

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