The PetrolPlaza audio version is presented to you by UNITI expo, the leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe.

Official launch of UNITI expo announced on April 16th at erpec 13 in Nice

The industry is preparing for a new international trade fair and conference, covering all aspects related to the operation of the petrol retailing businesses. The first scheduled event will take place from 3 - 5 of June 2014, at the international exhibition and congress center in Stuttgart Germany, incorporating a trade exhibition, a high level dual stream conference and workshops covering a variety of subjects relevant to petrol retailing and associated sectors.

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The exhibition will include the following eight categories: Forecourt Equipment & Technology, Fuel Logistics, Carwash & Car Care, Payment & Automation, Shop & Convenience, Motor Fuels, Lubricants & Additives, Services & Media.

The event organizer UNITI is a trade association representing the majority of the German fuel retail, fuel distribution and lubricant markets. The event will be developed and marketed on a European and global level in association with PetrolPlaza, erpec and erpecnews.

“Since October last year, when we started intensive talks to many international players in the market, we have experienced overwhelming industry support and a great deal of market acceptance for this new industry-tailored initiative. Now, six months later, we are finally ready to start marketing and we will be accepting stand reservations from today onwards" says Bruno Boroewitsch, Publisher of PetrolPlaza and Managing Director of com-a-tec GmbH, the primary sales and customer support contact for exhibitors of Forecourt Technology, Fuel Logistics and Car Wash equipment.   

Elmar Kühn, Managing Director of UNITI added: “The world is getting smaller, the forecourt, car wash and logistics equipment market has truly become a global business over the last decades. In recognition of this, UNITI has formed alliances with internationally experienced and innovative partners and global media representatives to address this dynamic and highly influential market place.”

Nick Needs, organiser of erpec and Publisher of erpecnews, underlined in his launch presentation at erpec 13 how different this new event is from everything else we have experienced in Europe over the last two decades: A 100% industry focus, a coverage of all relevant aspects in the business, an effective 3-days-format, one of Europe’s most modern and centrally located venues, a five minutes’ walk from an international airport, an extensive and dedicated visitor and exhibitor marketing campaign and last but not least, for the first time, exhibitors will be able to schedule pre-arranged meetings with high profile buyers from around the world, as there will be a mini erpec staged alongside the exhibition. All this will contribute to making UNITI expo a marketing platform of excellence.

The event website will be online from May 1st 2013. For further information call Bruno Boroewitsch at +49 7721 98300 or e-mail your request to
