Vivo Energy Uganda takes Kampala's local authorities to court after land disagreement

Uganda's Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and Vivo Energy Uganda will go to court over the lease of a plot of land the petroleum retailer currently holds in the country's capital, reported All Africa

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Shell fuel retailer Vivo Energy Africa has challenged the local government’s instruction to vacate the land within 30 days after alleged faulty land leases by refusing and suing the KCCA. The case will be considered by the Land Division Court.

According to KCCA, Vivo Energy failed to renew the 47-year lease for land transferred to the company by The Shell Company of East Africa, in Uganda´s capital city Kampala.

The governmental agency claims the company has not paid for the lease of the land since 2007, while the African fuel retailing firm claims it had previously secured another 10-year lease. Hans Paulsen, Vivo Energy managing director, denied the allegations.

Another three companies have been instructed to vacate land in Kampala by the KCCA due to legal disagreements over leases.

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