The PetrolPlaza audio version is presented to you by UNITI expo, the leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe.


Last update:

While fuel prices are rising, the margins of fuel networks are falling. Today a filling station receives 70% of the profit by selling related goods.

Megainsight helps companies learn to recognize their clients and individually offer them such conditions under which their loyalty and the frequency of purchases or the amount of one-time purchases will grow.

To do this, we have developed a solution that allows:

  • to understand the behavior model of each of your customer and form personal offers for goods and fuel
  • to keep the fuel price high and stand out from competitors, while maintaining personal pricing with each client
  • to meet and exceed the expectations of the client at any given time and increase their LTV
  • to make sure to return lost customers by offering personal fuel prices with proper identification of the selected clients, most dependent on the price

Our recent cases:

  • Company’s ROI rocketed to 783% after automatization of the process of forming personal offers for clients (read here)
  • Fuel sales increased by 26% for a client experiencing a fall in demand (read here)
  • Achieved 76% active customers growth among those, who were digitized (read here)

If you know filling stations’ directors or petrol stores’ owners who want to successfully increase sales of fuel and related products through personalized price offers, drop me a line here on LinkedIn and we WILL help them grow.