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Why and how you should embrace sustainability today

With the emphasis on corporate initiatives and growing pressure from environmental, social, and governance (ESG) regulations, it’s clear that the business world is getting serious about sustainability. But that change isn’t driven solely by legislation or concern for the environment. It’s also just smart business.

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Consider a couple statistics from the PDI Sustainability Index:

  • 75% of Americans are concerned about the environmental impacts of the products they buy.
  • 64% would pay more at the pump if their carbon emissions were offset.
  • 67% of consumers say a product’s environmental friendliness is important to their purchasing decision.

It’s likely that consumer sentiment across Europe and other regions would indicate even more enthusiasm toward similar environmental initiatives. If those statistics ring true to what you’re observing in your own business, it’s easy to understand why sustainability has quickly emerged as a consumer-driven initiative.

That’s increasingly the case in the world of convenience stores and forecourts, which are less directly affected by the regulatory measures that impact traditional industries such as oil, gas, utilities, and manufacturing. For c-stores and forecourts, the focus right now is more about business opportunity than just legislation.

Identify the opportunities and value of sustainability

The good news is there’s tangible business value if you want to offer green options to your customer base—especially younger customers who tend to place a higher value on sustainability.

That value proposition wasn’t necessarily the case even a few years ago, and there are certainly pockets of skepticism when it comes to determining just how much you should invest in sustainability today. However, if you’re not at least investigating sustainability plans or initiatives, you’re doing your business—and your customers—a disservice.

Fortunately, there are many ways you can make sustainability a bigger part of your business practices. And, with the right program, you can attract new customers, boost your sales volume, and increase customer loyalty.

For instance, demonstrating a positive environmental impact to both your customers and potential customers can enhance your brand in a variety of ways:

  1. Brand differentiation: Implementing a reduced emissions program can set you apart from other c-store operators and fuel retailers who aren’t willing to take that step.
  2. Brand loyalty: Also noted in the PDI Sustainability Index, a whopping 73% of survey respondents said they would sign up for a loyalty or rewards app that reduced the carbon footprint of their purchases.
  3. Brand affinity: In a survey conducted across nine different fuel retail clients in the U.S. and Canada, respondents who were aware that the retailer had a reduced emissions program reported higher levels of satisfaction.

Follow these tips for building your sustainability strategy

When you’re just beginning your sustainability journey, it helps to follow the lessons learned by others in the fuel and convenience retail industry. Here are some good tips to keep in mind:

  • Start small, pick up some wins, then keep expanding as long as your business and customers benefit.
  • Lead by example—if you’re not an active proponent, it will be hard to gain traction with your employees and customers.
  • Leverage your emphasis on sustainability to attract and retain talented employees who value environmental causes.
  • Find ways to positively impact nearby environmental programs in your local community.
  • Be authentic—if people think your actions are “greenwashing,” you’ll only damage your brand reputation and lose customers.
  • Make sure you can measure your impact and validate the results through third-party certification.
  • When you experience success, take time to celebrate and promote your achievements.

Move faster by simplifying your approach

It’s 2023, and consumers are continuously exposed to environmental marketing. If you’re a c-store operator or fuel retailer, you need to avoid being just one more voice in a noisy crowd. No matter where you are in your sustainability journey—starting out, far along the path, or anywhere in between—it helps to have a partner that can clear obstacles and simplify your path.

Remind yourself that sustainability is not about having to meet regulatory compliance or raise prices to remain profitable. It’s about changing how you do business and how you engage with your customers.

Your own approach to sustainability will be unique as you discover how to introduce elements of sustainability in a logical way that drives successful outcomes. Remember that sustainability is a journey. Don’t just focus on short-term projects, because innovation continues to accelerate and you’ll need a long-term strategy that allows you to leverage the sustainability solutions of tomorrow.

Make sustainability a priority in 2023

Because flexibility and adaptability are so important in developing a meaningful sustainability program, PDI Sustainability Solutions provides a wide range of offerings that are already driving successful results for businesses around the globe.

With PDI, delivering on the promise of sustainability isn’t nearly as difficult or expensive as you might think. You can quickly turn eco-conscious shoppers into loyal customers without having to make a significant financial or operational investment.

To learn how, visit this helpful resource or contact us today.

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