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Australia: Viva Energy closer to $2b petrol station float after Coles legal defeat

Viva Energy, Shell's distributor in Australia, will be able to go-ahead with plans for a $2 billion petrol station investment after a legal action with Coles has been dismissed, reported Financial Review.

Last update:

The Supreme Court of Victoria has notified the two fuel retailers, Viva Energy and Coles, the decision this week. The announcement signifies a blow for Coles, which was trying to impede Viva from creating a new gas station real estate investment trust.

Legal issues between both parties started due to Coles´ concern that the new Viva investment would affect the alliance agreement between both companies, signed in 2013, that allowed retail sites to be leased as Shell/Coles Express until 2024.

Coles now has one month to appeal the decision in a higher court. However, it is understood that Viva will start working on the new petrol station float, which had been on pause during the legal conflict. 

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